Archive for September, 2008

Honey Cake and Challah

Friday, September 26th, 2008

There must be hard wired patterns of Jewish womanhood in my brain. Over the past 24 hrs I have had a need to bake honey cake and round challah. Shannah tovah uMetukah- A good and sweet year to for everyone. May peace and sweetness touch those most in need of it’s power.

Returning to blogging…

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, experienced a data loss last year, and David and I have been unable to find backup files from our blogs. Thanks to David, I am set up to write again. I’m thinking about returning to writing a blog as a way to reflect on what I’m learning in the doctoral program in Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign.  I’m hoping to develop new skills to engage in research, policy work, or programming that supports families with young children.  I fell in love with the toddler years as a teacher, but I know how challenging this time period can be for families! I miss being in the classroom, and would love to hear how friends and former kiddos and families from my classes in Illinois and Colorado are doing as well as share my work with you!

Just an update, for those whom I have not kept in touch with as regularly as I should:
David and I have returned to Illinois after three great years in Colorado. The cats think Urbana is paradise (lots of sunny windows, a squirel and bird show on the deck in our backyard, and a basement all to themselves! I’m getting used to being a student again, thought it is very different from my first experience in Urbana when I was an undergraduate. I’ll write more another time, but right now, I should head to bed so I am ready for our lab meeting in the morning.